Health Services

The health room at Swallow School is staffed by a Registered Nurse with oversight from a Medical Director/Medical Doctor. The primary role of the school nurse is to support student learning. The nurse accomplishes this by implementing strategies that promote student and staff health and safety.


Health room guidelines for keeping a child home sick and return to school after illness:

  • Students with a fever of 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit or greater should not attend school. They should be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours, without the aid of medications, before they return.
  • Students with vomiting or diarrhea should not attend school. They should be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours before they return.
  • Students who are diagnosed by their physician and started on antibiotics for a contagious bacterial infection (strep throat, pink eye, etc.) should remain home until 24 hours after the antibiotics have been started.
  • Student with other symptoms or illnesses should remain out of school following medical provider and Wisconsin Department of Health Services Guidelines in consultation with the District Nurse.

Students attending school with these symptoms or who are at school while these symptoms develop will not be allowed to return to class and parents/guardians will be contacted to pick the student up. The only exception to these guidelines would be a written confirmation from the child’s physician stating the child is healthy enough to return. This not only protects the welfare of other students/staff, but also keeps your kids who are ill, with an overworked immune system, from contracting a secondary infection.

Skipping breakfast can cause a student to feel poorly; encouraging your child to eat a healthy breakfast can not only prevent these symptoms, but increase school performance and establish a lifetime healthy eating habits.


If your child has been diagnosed with a concussion, the school needs a signed note by his/her physician/practitioner stating the child has suffered a concussion and what limitations are to be followed. Notes from parents will not be accepted as excuses. Please provide physician notes upon return to school.

If your child has activity restrictions per their physician, a note from the physician will be required to return to normal activities.


You should call the school office no later than 8:30am if your child will be absent. Also, we track our Swallow infection rate, so it is important to let the office know what symptoms your child is experiencing. For example, “runny nose and cough”, “diarrhea”, “vomiting”, and/or “fever”. Please include in your message if the illness is physician confirmed. Sometimes there is confusion if a student has a cold or the "flu". The Flu, or Influenza, is a physician confirmed diagnosis, and mistakenly gets used to describe a variety of symptoms that range from vomiting and diarrhea to cough and upper respiratory. So, if an illness is not doctor confirmed, please only report the symptoms.


If children leave school due to illness, they are not permitted to attend extra-curricular or after-school events.


If over the counter medications are to be given to a student during the school day, a signed medication authorization form must be provided to the health room (see Medication Administration Authorization Form). Medications provided must be supplied in the ORIGINAL BOTTLE/BOX, to be stored in the health room, and distributed only to their children, with the aforementioned release.

The above guidelines also apply to prescription medications needing to be administered during the school day. However, prescription medications require a signed release by both a parent and a physician and must be brought in the ORIGINAL PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE. If you need additional labels/labeled bottles, they can be requested at your pharmacy. Epi-pens must either be provided in the original box with pharmacy label or the Epi-pen case itself must have a label on it.


According to state mandates, we are required by law to report Category I, II, and III illness to the Waukesha County Health Department. This reporting process allows us to assist the county in preventing the spread of contagious illness.


The practices and guidelines we follow are under the recommendation of the Waukesha County Health Division and the Centers for Disease Control. For more information on these agencies or questions regarding potential illnesses or practice guidelines, please see:
Waukesha County Public Health
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Please contact the Beth Gatzow, RN, at 262-367-2000, ext. 120 or [email protected] with any additional questions.

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