District Has Perfect Top Score for Eighth Grade Mathematics Achievement in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin DPI announced that Swallow School earned a 91.4 and rating of Significantly Exceeds Expectations for the 2018-9 school year. The Swallow School District has earned the same score and rating and based on these measures and has the top score (10/10) for eighth-grade mathematics achievement in the state while being second for overall Student Achievement (97.9), and third for Student Growth (90.7).
While numbers and data are only a part of the picture of school performance and there are many other factors not included in this report card which are critical to understanding school and district performance, they do tell a part of Swallow’s story. This recognition validates the exceptional work of our highly qualified staff, dedicated students, and supportive school community underway at Swallow every day. The district is committed to celebrating this accomplishment and the continued work of personalizing learning for each student to ensure their highest performance and growth during their years at Swallow. To view Swallow School’s Report Card click HERE and then select the 2018-19 school year and our school district.
Annually the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction releases School Report Cards measuring and reporting school effectiveness in four areas*. Each School Report Card calculates a school's accountability index score (0-100) through the use of a complex mathematical formula. Based upon this score, the school earns one of the five ratings: Significantly Exceeds Expectations, Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Meets Few Expectations and Fails to Meet Expectations. Beginning with the 2012-13 school year, District Report Cards also became available. Please follow the links below for additional information or contact Melissa Thompson, Superintendent, at [email protected].
DPI Press Release on 2018-19 School and District Report Cards
DPI Report Card Informational Page
*Report Card accountability index scores are based on four criteria:
· Student Achievement in English/Language Arts (ELA) and math on state tests
· Student Growth as measured by year-to-year improvements in ELA and math achievement
· Closing Gaps in performance between specific student groups (English Language Learners, low-income, students with disabilities, members of racial or ethnic group with their peers)
· On-track/Postsecondary Readiness including graduation or attendance rates, reading and math achievement and ACT participation and performance