Food Service

Swallow School Food Service Program

The Swallow School District offers milk as well as hot lunch options as part of the Food Service Program. Students, staff, and visitors to the building may enjoy these offerings which use the freshest ingredients and feature many items made from scratch on site.  


Student’s Lunch = $3.40 per day
Milk will be FREE to all students
Adult’s Lunch = $4.00 per day


Check: Please write one check payable to Swallow School (include how you would like the amount divided if you have multiple children) and write your child’s lunch account number on the check.

Online Visa or MasterCard: This feature will allow you to deposit money into your child’s lunch account via the parent portal. Simply log in to the parent portal at: click on the “Payments” tab then add an amount to the Lunch Account field. Follow the prompts.

Cash: Please send cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, lunch account number, teacher/grade, and amount written on the outside.

Any remaining funds from last school year will be transferred to this school year. Students will keep the same account numbers and new students will be given account numbers during the first couple days of school. Each student has his own account number; therefore, one sibling cannot use another sibling’s lunch account. Staff is alerted when a lunch has been purchased thereby preventing multiple lunch charges per day. Please contact the kitchen (262-367-2000 ext. 110) if you would like money transferred from one sibling’s account to another.

Parents can check their child’s lunch account using the Parent Portal online. An email is sent to parents when the lunch account is low (approximately five lunches remaining). Please plan on sending more lunch money when the balance is approximately $12.50. Students owing $15.00 or more are asked to bring a bag lunch and drink or $3.00 daily until a lunch account payment has been made. The kitchen will provide a lunch and milk for $3.00 if a bag lunch and drink are forgotten.


The monthly menu is posted in the Quick Links on the left hand column of this page and the District homepage.


As has been our past practice, we will continue to use the offer vs. serve system to reduce food waste. Students are no longer required to have certain food components. Three entrées are available daily. If a student does not care for the entrée on a particular day, our salad bar includes, but is not limited to: assorted vegetables and fruits, and a host of other choices. The salad bar is accessible to students, staff and visitors every day. Students who bring a cold lunch may also purchase items from the lunch line, but at ala carte prices.


Swallow participates in the Special Milk Program, which makes milk free to all students regardless of whether they are purchasing a lunch or not.   Here is a letter about this program with more information.

Students with special dietary needs in the Special Milk Program-- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulations 7 CFR Part 15b require milk substitutions or modifications for children whose disabilities restrict their diets. School food authorities must provide modifications for children with disabilities on a case-by-case basis when requests are supported by a written statement from a state licensed medical practitioner.  The licensed medical practitioner’s statement must identify:

• An explanation of how the child’s physical or mental impairment restricts the child's diet;

• The food(s) to be avoided; and

• The food or choice of foods that must be substituted.

*Medical Statement for Special Dietary Needs Form is available at registration and upon request from the school office.


Healthy snacks may be purchased by students in the lunch line on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Kindergarten-4th grade students will need to finish their lunches before they can purchase a snack. Water will be available daily. These snacks will be sold ala carte through the lunch line. 

The water/juice vending machine is available to students all day.

We have a wellness policy at Swallow School. Healthy snacks, milk, juice, etc. are available for special events or class parties. Please call at least a week in advance to order.


Students arriving late to school should inform their teachers of their entrée choices.

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